

          你知道植物墙有哪些优势吗 ?

          2019-09-15 18:17

          靠前 ,从视觉角度来讲,植物墙更具艺术性。一件植物墙作品 ,通过不同的色彩 、形状、尺寸搭配和不同的排列组合,可以与周围环境协调,呈现出不同的姿态,或妖娆、或奔放 、或纤巧……完全可以称为上等的艺术品 。

          First, from a visual point of view, plant walls are more artistic. A plant wall works, through different colors, shapes, sizes and combinations of different arrangements, can be coordinated with the surrounding environment, showing different postures, or enchanting, or bold, or delicate... It can be called a fine work of art.

          第二,从技术角度来讲,植物墙可以实现自动灌溉 、施肥,这样不仅把人们解放了出来,而且通过对植物的科学管理控制,也更有利于植物的健康生长。当然,由此而知 ,打造一件成功的植物墙 ,也需要有更系统的知识,如植物 、栽培、机械、水电等,缺一不可。

          Secondly, from a technical point of view, the plant wall can realize automatic irrigation and fertilization, which not only liberates people, but also is more conducive to the healthy growth of plants through scientific management and control of plants. Of course, building a successful plant wall also requires more systematic knowledge, such as plants, cultivation, machinery, hydropower and so on.

          第三,从经济的角度来讲,植物墙比植物租摆更经济。也许植物墙的前期投入较高,但由于其维护成本很低,生命周期更长,一般可达5-10年 ,所以从长期来看 ,它是可以大大节约业主的成本的。

          Third, from an economic point of view, plant walls are more economical than plant rental pendulums. Perhaps the early investment of plant wall is higher, but because of its low maintenance cost, longer life cycle, generally up to 5-10 years, so in the long run, it can greatly save the cost of owners.

          第四,从功能角度来讲 ,一面植物墙可以形成一个小的气候环境,从而净化空气,降低能耗,减少噪音等。仅靠目前流行的植物租摆,由于数量和面积的限制,很难真正达到以上效果。

          Fourth, from a functional point of view, a plant wall can form a small climate environment, thus purifying the air, reducing energy consumption, reducing noise and so on. It is very difficult to achieve the above effect because of the limitation of quantity and area of the current popular plant rental pendulum.

          第五,从社会角度来讲,目前小面积的植物墙建设实际上是在为未来打造森林城市提供样本 ,奠定基础 。因为土地越来越稀缺,城市人们却对大自然却越来越向往,要解决这一矛盾 ,垂直绿化应运而生 。

          Fifthly, from a social point of view, the current construction of small-area plant walls is actually to provide samples and lay a foundation for building forest cities in the future. Because land is becoming scarcer and scarcer, people in cities are yearning for nature more and more. To solve this contradiction, vertical greening emerges as the times require.

          当然,以上说了这么多植物墙的优势,前提是植物墙的建造是成功的。如果像目前市场上一些不负责任的供应商一样,只是为了短期利益 ,依葫芦画瓢的做了个植物墙的样子 ,并没有真正考虑到植物的长期生长,那么以上所有这些都无从谈起。

          Of course, so many advantages of plant walls mentioned above, the premise is that the construction of plant walls is successful. If, like some irresponsible suppliers in the current market, just for the short-term benefit, a plant wall has been made according to the gourd painting, without really considering the long-term growth of plants, then all of these can not be mentioned.
